Happiness Armor


How Do We Protect Our happiness?

The happiness armor is a suit of armor that covers and protects our happiness. Just like a suit of armor that is made of steel plates and joint-like rivets, the happiness armor is made of certain attributes that are essential elements of our happy state. The combination of plates and rivets provides a protective covering while also preserving flexibility. Similarly, there are several attributes that are gathered through research on this topic and are assigned metaphorically to different parts of an armor. Typically, the attributes that are assigned to a rivet have some moderating properties that interconnect with more rigid plate attributes. With the right plates and the proper rivets, we can build our own happiness armor and preserve our contentment.

Having strong plates and reliable rivets in our happiness armor cannot protect us if there are weak spots. We all have some traits that are inherently strong and other traits that are not as strong. Like the saying goes, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”, the strength of our happiness armor is determined by its weakest spot.

You may see the major happiness attributes in the picture shown below. Knowing these attributes allows us to pay more attention to them and, if necessary, work on those that are in need of reinforcement.

When we understand the components of our happiness armor, we can use them to our advantage and strengthen our weaknesses. Subscribe to our email list to take this quiz and determine the strength of the unique major contributing attributes of your happiness armor! You will receive individualized scores and be able to see where you stand in comparison to the national average.

Happiness Armor

Happiness Armor

The major attribute pairs are "love and emotion, knowledge and optimism, discipline and spontaneity, success and health, trust and flexibility, giving and generosity, peace and presence, freedom and loyalty, confidence and humility, and justice and forgiveness."

Would you like to know if you have a shiny or rusty "Happiness Armor"?